She’s Back and She’s Bad
Oh boy color me excited! I just found out they have made another Maleficent movie. Yes I know it is the summer of super heroes but for those of us who are Disney Villains Fans it looks like it is going to be a big year too. Browsing Facebook tonight I came across the trailer for the next Maleficent movie due in theatres October 18th 2019.
If you are familiar with Maleficent she would be the Disney Villain that cast the spell on sleeping beauty. If you caught the first film she doesn't come off as bad as she did in the original fairy tale. It is implied that sleeping beauties peril was really based on and injustice and a bigger misunderstanding. I know you thinking it's a fairy tale get over it but when they redo these stories in Hollywood now a days they take on a whole new allure. You can get sucked into the story line.
So on almost the 5th anniversary of the release of Angelina Jolie's first cinema appearance as the Disney Witch Maleficent we get word of her return to the big screen to continue the story. The first Maleficent movie starring Angelina was released May 28th 2014 and made $758.5 million at the box office. Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil may not be as popular as Avengers End Game but it is totally worth the wait. See you at the theatre.