If you are thinking that it suddenly looks like Spring again in the Hudson Valley you aren't wrong. Many trees in the Hudson Valley have a bright green glow about them which you would normally see in April or May.

If you haven't noticed because your week has been a bit crazy with graduations and such that's okay but make sure you stop for a moment this weekend and see what is happening to trees all over the Hudson Valley. The ones eaten up now seem to be going through a rebudding.

SEE Also: What is Happening to All the Fireflies

A few weeks back I wondered when I saw all my big oak trees stripped of their leaves but the Spongy Moth caterpillar, would they ever re-grow leaves this year? I found some research online that said they would and to look for the new growth which would be smaller than a normal Spring bloom to start showing up in early July.

SEE Also: Will The Leaves Grow Back on Trees Eaten By Spongy Moth Caterpillars

So here we are with July arriving next week and suddenly the oak trees that were completely bare two weeks ago thanks to those nasty caterpillars have started to grow back some leaves. I am excited to watch this unfold.

Canva/ PQ
Canva/ PQ

The fact is most of the trees that got eaten by the Spongy Moth Caterpillars will regrow leaves. Unfortunately, there will be some that don't and that may spell the demise of those trees but for the most part, we should be able to look across the landscaped and see bright Spring Green transforming our trees back to being leafy despite how hard those worms tried to gobble them all up.

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Enjoy the Great Outdoors Again

Hudson Valley New York Camping Resorts

The Hudson Valley is a camping destination for so many people including those of us who live locally. It is a great way to have a summer vacation every weekend close to home. Many places offer a seasonal rate for you to save money on your stay. You pull the trailer in for the summer and park it for the season which is usually May to October. The resorts we found offer family fun amenities and a season full of exciting activities.

Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn

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