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We love a Hudson Valley pop culture moment!

Hollywood on The Hudson: Entertainment Booms in The Hudson Valley

Over the last few years, we've seen the entertainment industry boom across the region. It seems like there is a new movie or television show filming in the area every week.

If you've ever wanted to get into acting or wanted to be a background actor, the opportunities are endless.

READ MORE: Baby Needed For Latest Hudson Valley Casting Call

But that wasn't always the case. Even when it comes to Hudson Valley mentioned in television or film. We would be lucky if we'd hear "Upstate" on an episode of Law and Order back in the early 2000s. Now, it's a common practice.

I was recently reminded of one of my favorite HV mentions in a 2009 TV show-turned-movie.

Remember When Charlotte Poughkeepsie'd Her Pants?

Growing up in the late 90s early and early 2000s was a wild time as we were just getting acclimated with the internet and learning how to use our TIVos. It was however an excellent time for entertainment.

Sex and The City was one of the biggest shows at the time and made Cosmo the most popular drink among women thanks to Carrie Bradshaw. The show grew in popularity so much so that after it ended in 2004, fans needed more.

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So, in 2008 Sex and the City: The Movie hit theaters.

I wasn't much of an SATC watcher, but I was dragged to the movie with my friends and was pleasantly surprised when Poughkeepsie, New York got a shout-out.

No spoilers, but it all goes down in Mexico when Charlotte is terrified of drinking the water because she doesn't want to get sick. To avoid any potential disasters, Charlotte, played by Kristin Davis, packs pudding from Poughkeepsie.

However, she is unable to escape the inevitable and this classic scene is born:

I think me and my friends used the term "Poughkeepsie'd her pants" for at least a year after the movie came out.


Hudson Valley Movie Mentions & Connections

Besides Charlotte "Poughkeepsie'ing" her pants, do you have a favorite Hudson Valley movie or television mention?

On December 18th, 1997, the television show Friends aired and episode called The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie. As most of us know the show Friends is based in New York City, IMDB explains how the episode gets its name writing "Ross struggles to maintain a long-distance relationship."

I don't know if I would call NYC to Poughkeepsie long distance, but that's just me.

Let us know your favorite Hudson Valley pop culture mention and in the meantime take a look at some of the movies and television shows that have filmed in the area over the last few years below.

25 Films And TV Shows Filmed In The Hudson Valley Since 2020

Here is a list that's been complied of the 25 films and tv shows that have been filmed in the Hudson Valley since 2020.

Gallery Credit: Kiera Flanagan

With new productions filming in the area constantly, that means we get more celebrity sightings throughout the region. Here are some Hudson Valley celeb hot spots:

30 Places You Might Run into a Celebrity in The Hudson Valley

Hollywood on The Hudson is real! It seems like there's a new celebrity sighting in the Hudson Valley. Here are a few of the hot spots that you may run into a celeb while walking around town.

Poughkeepsie, New York has been a hot spot for filming. Can you say "Hollywood on The Hudson?"

20 Must See TV Shows and Movies Made in Poughkeepsie, New York

Gallery Credit: Nick Kessler

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