Happy Friday! More specifically, happy Frolic Friday.

CJ is still out on vacation (don't worry, he'll be back on Monday) but that doesn't mean we couldn't have a little Frolic Friday fun. As you know I like to give CJ a hard time when it comes to Frolicking. It's just not my thing. However, I have stated in the past that there are two people in particular that I would Frolic for. Sam Hunt and my godson.

Yesterday I was hanging out with my awesomely adorable godson and saw that he was learning how to skip. Seriously, it was the cutest thing in the world. Skipping is just like frolicking...next thing I know we're outside frolicking about. I turned on my camera and was ready to capture the adorablness:

As you can see, while still super cute, things didn't go as planned. I got him to give me a two second frolic around 30 seconds in. Which made me proud.

Teaching a toddler to frolic is hard. Now with that being said, from now on I wont give CJ too much of a hard time about frolicking. That was a struggle.

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