Frolic Friday Groundhog Day (VIDEO)
It's Friday and we are all set to send you into the weekend!
Every Friday Jess and I try to kick off the weekend in the most ridiculous way we know how. We frolic around the radio station parking lot like two crazy people and this morning we frolic in celebration of today being Groundhog Day.
If you missed it Punxsutawney Phil's handlers announced this morning that the rodent saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter, according to CBS. Great. Sigh!
Jess and I decided that we aren't going to listen to Phil's prediction and decided to frolic to see if we see our shadows.....
So there you have it, SPRING is coming soon and I think we do Groundhog Day better then Phil.
As we tell you every week, if your having a rough day or maybe the past week has sucked, nothing will turn things around for you like a good frolic will.
So drop your arms to your side, point out your hands and start skipping around, go ahead and give it a try. I DARE you!!
Have a great Super Bowl weekend and make sure you wake up with us on Monday for Mega tickets at Bethel Woods.