Turtle Wreaks Havoc On Hudson Valley Police
The Internet is a magical place if you dig deep enough. I was just checking out my Facebook newsfeed today when I stumbled across a picture that mentioned the Hudson River. Much to my surprise, it was the best thing I've seen in a while.
The picture is from Revolutionary Memes Extreme, so with a name like that you know it will be gold. The picture reads "People liking turtles better than cops will be pleased to learn a turtle bit off a cops toe in the Hudson River." Below that magic of a sentence is someone with the username 'yesterdaysprint' that said the story is from a paper in Ohio, from 1924.
So I did some investigating to see if this turtle story was true, and I went to Newspapers.com to verify it. Low and behold, IT IS TRUE. That one sentence story was printed on page 2 of The Daily Times On July 9, 1924.
I even went and looked up if turtles were in the Hudson River, to see if there was a possibility of it happening. According to the College of Environmental Science and Forestry, the map turtle is found in the Hudson River.
Thank you, Internet, for never letting me down.