He's know as a notorious grinch, but thanks to some creative editing, we can all enjoy a little holiday magic from New England Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick.

Tom Brady is no longer his go-to guy, and no one thought the Patriots would even be that competitive since he left for Tampa Bay, but this season Bill Belichick has his Patriots sitting atop the AFC East with a 9-5 record, ready to make another playoff run.

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That alone would be reason to sing and fill him with Christmas joy, but considering the infamously grumpy Belichick is well known for making facial expressions that can be translated as "I wish I was anywhere but here," and rarely answers questions beyond two syllables, that's what makes this video (above) so perfect. A few years ago, someone who knows Belichick's rep well and seems to have a little too much time on his hands, spliced together words from Belichick's pressers to make it appear as if he's singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."

There are even stranger things going on in Belichick land these days. On Monday, the coach issued an apology to reporters after he was short with them after the Patriots loss to the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday.

According to boston.com, the coach admitted he was rude to them during the after game press conference, and said he wasn't trying to be short with them but there wasn't really all that much to say. He also granted full absolution to the press corp telling them it was not their fault, he was just frustrated.

So couple that with the Christmas Song he's singing, and I think we're about to experience hell freezing over....lol.

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Sometimes images are the best way to honor the figures we've lost. When tragedy swiftly reminds us that sports are far from the most consequential thing in life, we can still look back on an athlete's winning moment that felt larger than life, remaining grateful for their sacrifice on the court and bringing joy to millions.

Read on to explore the full collection of 50 images Stacker compiled showcasing various iconic winning moments in sports history. Covering achievements from a multitude of sports, these images represent stunning personal achievements, team championships, and athletic perseverance.

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