We may hear about some of the negative factors, and all the stories about New York residents leaving the state in record numbers every year. But while high taxes, expenses, and cold winters can be a drag, New York actually ranked very well in an important field, according to a new study. We live longer on average than most other states. Very good, indeed. However, one thing you might want to consider is that these new findings are from some data dating back to 2018, so maybe it's not as good as we hoped?

The numbers come from the CDC's Division of Vital Statistics, and according to their findings, residents of New York have the third-longest life expectancy in the nation, at an average of 80.5 years. That's about two years longer than the national average of 78.7 years.

CNN says the study used the number of deaths from 2018, population estimates, and Medicare data. So, the glaring question here is where would New York rank after such a rough year like 2020, where the state became one of the biggest epicenters in the world for COVID-19 related deaths? That will be interesting to see once the CDC releases those numbers at some point. The CDC already says that the average life expectancy dropped a full year across the entire country during 2020.

Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey also did very well in the top ten, with the states coming in at 5th, 6th, and 9th, respectively. Pennsylvania came in at 29th. Hawaii is number one overall, followed by Minnesota. West Virginia ranked at the very bottom.

New York recently ranked 21st in the U.S. News and World Report study that named the country's best overall states to live in. Washington state placed first.

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