After announcing that her Rock This Country Tour in 2015 would be her last, Shania Twain thrilled her fans when she decided to hit the road for her Shania Now Tour -- clearly. Twain's supporters came out in droves to vote in the 2018 Golden Mic Awards, winning her the Most-Anticipated Tour title with 39 percent of the poll's votes.

In support of her first new album in 15 years, Twain launched her Shania Now Tour in early May. Although she'd said she was coming off the road for good after the last time around, she decided that her last trek wasn't the note she wanted to end on; the response from fans in support of her decision to tour again confirmed that for her.

“I felt like at that time maybe that was all I had left in me. I really felt that way,” Twain says, “but I was so energized by the tour and by the fans. For the first time in my career, I really felt like it was easier and the fans really gave me more than ever before for some reason.”

Thus far on her more-than-40-stop Shania Now Tour, Twain has been filling arenas with the dedicated fans who couldn't wait for another chance to watch the legendary diva perform songs from her new album, as well as hits from her vast repertoire. She's scheduled to be on tour until the end of 2018, including stops overseas as well.

Running a close second to Twain's Shania Now Tour in The Boot's 2018 Golden Mic Awards Most-Anticipated Tour poll was Kenny Chesney's Trip Around the Sun Tour, which racked up 34 percent of the votes. That trek began in late April, while the third-place tour -- Keith Urban's Graffiti U Tour -- will begin in mid-June.

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