Saugerties Citizens Preparedness Training
You can never be too prepared. And it the world we live in you just never know.
This week on Wednesday March 22nd the Sauguerties Police department, along with sponsors Town Supervisor Greg Helsmoortel and Town Councilmen Fred Costello, will hold a citizens preparedness training course. This is a free event for the public which is meant to prepare community members in an event that disaster strikes the New York area. The New York The NY Citizen Preparedness Training Program prepared residents with knowledge about tools and resources they could use in case of an emergency. If you are participating in the event you will learn how to respond to natural and man-made disasters, as well as "developing a family emergency plan."
Walk ins are welcomed at the event, but just to make sure you may want to call ahead of time. Reach out to the Saugerties Police Department at 845-246-9800 or e-mail jsinagra@saugertiesny.gov. Citizens Preparedness Training will be held at the Frank D. Greco Memorial Multi-Purpose Building 207 Market Street in Saugerties.
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