A hiker needed rescuing in Putnam County last week on one of the more dangerous trails in New York State.

Young Hiker Slips In and Out of Consciousness on Breakneck Ridge

Every week, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation sends out a press release on their social media accounts and websites detailing all the big news from the previous week.

These press releases include rescue stories from Environmental Officers and Forest Rangers across the state and region.

On Friday, June 21st, 2024 officials received a call about a hiker in distress on Breakneck Ridge Trail in Putnam County. Forest Rangers Pries and Russo responded "to a call for a hiker going in and out of consciousness" on the difficult trail.


The call was received at 2: 45pm, and the press release explains by "4 p.m., rescue crews reached the 18-year-old from Holbrook." They provided her with food, water, and electrolytes. In the press release, they add:

The crew used a wheeled litter to get the subject down the mountain. A Putnam County Paramedic examined the hiker and an ambulance transported her to a hospital for further assistance. Resources were clear at 5:20 p.m.


Is Breakneck Ridge One of The Most Dangerous NY Hikes?

This isn't the first time that the popular Breakneck Ridge has been mentioned in a DEC press release report. It seems like every few weeks there's some sort of accident or rescue on the Putnam County Trail.

With that being said, should Breakneck Ridge be considered one of the most dangerous hikes in New York State?

While we can't give it a professional ranking, a look at any of the hiking sites and apps will tell you that Breakneck is considered a difficult hike.

READ MORE: Are These 5 of The Most Dangerous Hikes in the Hudson Valley?

A quick Google search of the trail brings up several accident reports like falling death of a  25-year-old after a 100-foot fall in 2018, and another hiker falling to their death the year before in 2017.

Summer Hiking Safety Tips

If you plan on hiking this summer, make sure you are prepared to hit the trails. While many think hiking in the summer is less dangerous than hiking in the winter (no ice, visible trails) that's not necessarily the case.

READ MORE: 5 Hikers Rescued During New York Heatwave in Sullivan County

Hiking in extreme heat could lead to serious health issues like heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Here are some DEC tips to follow if you're hitting the trail this summer season:

  • Wear sunscreen.
  • Slow Your Pace.
  • Drink Water and Rest Often.
  • Find Shade, Don't Hike in Direct Sunlight for Long Periods of Time.
  • Avoid Hiking in Extremely Hot Weather.

10 Commandments of Hiking Mount Beacon

A hike up Mount Beacon is on the bucket list for most Hudson Valley residents. The 4.4-mile trail includes over 1,600 feet in elevation, so it's sure to give you a workout, whether you're an experienced hiker or someone looking to take on a new challenge.

Let's breakdown the musts of any visit to the popular trail.

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Gallery Credit: Nick Kessler



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