An Ode to Ice Tea
The summer like weather may have you looking for a favorite summer time drink. If it is summer at my house my family is drinking ice tea. Actually they drink ice tea all year long but the cool pitcher of icy tea sweating from the hot summer temperature doesn't actually make the table until late May or early June. Ice tea in my family is a treasured beverage that actually has a recipe even if it made from Lipton tea bag.
My family's sweet tea would make you think it has a pound of sugar dissolved in it. And the half and half mixture, one part lemonade, one part tea is a true mystery. How they get the lemonade so sour and the tea so sweet is a family secret and trust me it makes your lip pucker. My favorite family tea is the one that doesn't come from a box. It is a careful blend of loose tea leaves, fruit and herbs that when seeped in hot water makes me think of my grandma's fresh mint that garnished every glass.
April is herb month in New York so grab some fresh fruit and herbs and brew up your own homemade flavors. Jamie Oliver walks you through a recipe in the video below. Use your imagination and create your own secret tea recipe.
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