What Lotions Are You Using?
If your hands aren't dry and cracking are you really even washing them enough?
News is coming at us at all different directions these days, but when we get down to the bottom of it our elected officials tell us two things. Stay home and wash your hands.
We've relearned, thanks to the Center for Disease Control, over the past few weeks that we should be washing our hands while singing happy birthday (or any song with a 20-second chorus).
Thanks to the constant reminders and the fear of COVID-19 spreading, it's safe to say we've been washing our hands way more often than we used to.
This brings me to an important question: What moisturizer are y'all using? Because my Suave Cocoa Butter isn't doing the trick and my hands are cracking to the point that they are bleeding!
I've started using Eucerin, an eczema cream, but haven't noticed much of a difference. What are you moisturizing secrets!? Help a girl out and let me know on Facebook.
Please and thank you.