Tips to Avoid Hitting A Deer
They are everywhere and can cause a whole lot of damage.
If you have driven around the Hudson Valley, at one time or another you have seen deer on the road or possibly almost hit one. If not consider yourself lucky. I do have some bad news, the odds say at some point you will have a driving encounter with a deer, especially this time of year.
The Department of Motor Vehicle and the Department of Environmental Conservation have sent out reminders that October, November and December are the breeding season for deer and that means that we will be seeing more deer on public roadways this fall, according to WKBW.
They said that drivers should always keep an eye out for deer-crossing signs, because those signs are where they are for a reason. The signs are put in places to indicate that deer were seen in the area, and that they've collided with cars.
Also be aware that deer are most active in the Hudson Valley around dusk and dawn and if you do see a deer in the road you should firmly brake but do not swerve as doing that could result in hitting another car, tree or pole according to the DEC.
If you do see a deer on or near the road you are encouraged to use your hazard lights or headlights to warn other drivers.
The DEC also said that if you do have an accident involving a deer you should pull over to the side of the road, turn your hazards on and then call police to report the accident.
They also want to make sure that if you do hit a deer, you stay away from the animal as it could still be alive and could injury you.