Three Things From the Weekend (VIDEO)
Who do you think did what over the weekend?
Every Monday on the Wakin' Up with CJ and Jess Show we run through some of the fun things we did over the weekend, with what we call "Three Things". Jess reads to you anonymously two sets of three things and your job is to try and figure out which one of us did which set of three.
If you missed our "things" here they are.....
Person one
1. Walked at Vanderbilt.
2. Watched a bunch of movies.
3. Made corned beef and cabbage.
Person two
1. Played a ton of basketball.
2. Killed a dance floor.
3. Watched the movie Frozen 2.
Who do you think did what? Get the answer and the stories behind our things by watching our weekly video version...
If you have Disney plus, yes Frozen 2 is available now and to be honest, I LOVED IT!!!! LOL! I would suggest watching that and not watching the movies that Jess enjoyed over the weekend. She watched "Contagion" and "Outbreak"....WHY would you do that to yourself!!! LOL
Be safe folks and thank you for listening and reading!!