Roosevelt Fire Districts Wendy Burns Is Our Wolf Den of Heroes July Inductee
It's time to induct our latest hero!
Since April we have been gathering Wolf Den of Hero nominations and asking you to nominate the first responder in your life. Every month we'll pick a new hero and add them to our Wolf Den of Heroes.
This month we welcome Wendy Burns as our July inductee.
Wendy's sister Christina nominated here and wrote in her nomination "My sister is & I are both volunteer firefighters, last year she had the save of her life."
In her message Christina shares that Wendy and her husband were driving by a pong and saw 4 kids in the water. They turned the vehicle around after Wendy felt something wasn't right about the situation. Christina continues the story writing:
The 4 children had fallen through the ice. Her husband jumped in to grab the kids out of the water, one girl was not breathing. My sister jumped into action began CPR on the 11yr old girl, had her breathing & talking in less than 3 minutes. She was transported to the hospital the doctor at the hospital commented that whomever did CPR did it perfect, not a bone was broke, and no water entered in the lungs. She made a full recovery!
Wendy has served in the rank of firefighter and according to Christina, she was "the very first female LT within the station she belongs to." That station being, the Roosevelt Fire District. In her time as a volunteer firefighter, Wendy ran the training program for 13 years and is the liaison for the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park for fire safety. Christina also adds that she is "a pretty proud sister that stands beside her as we fight fires/train/ride fire trucks. I'm a driver, she would be shotgun rider calling the shots!"
Congratulations Wendy Burns on becoming our July inductee to the Wolf Den of Hereos. Wendy will receive a $250 gift card from our friends at Mental Health America Dutchess County.
Nominate the first responder in your life today! We'll pick another Heroe coming up in August.
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