Recently in the New York State Assembly, representatives listened to a new proposal. Now some may ask, what makes this particular proposal different from any other proposal our representatives listen to? The difference is that this proposal could potentially offer an opportunity for New York State Corrections Officers.

Manhunt Continues For Two Prisoners That Broke Out Of New York State Prison
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The new proposal could potentially be a fantastic opportunity for corrections officers in the state and in particular potential future corrections officers. The new proposal put forward seeks to change the current requirements for state corrections officers to retire.

What We Know About the New NYS Corrections Officers Retirement Proposal

Currently, the new proposal would seek to shorten retirement requirements for corrections officers by a total of five years. In addition, the new proposal also seeks to establish a 20-year retirement plan for our state correctional officers.

Matias Nieto/Getty Images
Matias Nieto/Getty Images

The proposal was put out by republican representatives and is supported by Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes, Assemblyman Phil Palmesano and Assemblyman Chris Tague, all three of whom are Republican as well.

What Is the Reasoning for the New Proposal

The main and most important reason is safety. In recent years, concerns regarding violence and safety for COs (Corrections Officers) have reached incredibly high levels.


According to Spectrum News 1, Assemblywoman Byrnes spoke about the new proposal stating that...’s my responsibility to listen to the people in my district and one of the growing concerns I’ve heard is from correction officers...This field has become dangerous, and it’s largely a thankless job."

Piggybacking off of the statement made by Assemblywomen Byrnes, Assemblyman Phil Palmesano also spoke stating...

Our dedicated members of law enforcement risk their health, safety and lives each and every day...It is only fitting that we show them how much we appreciate them and have their backs.


In addition to the concerns regarding safety and violence, lawmakers are also hopeful that with a new plan, recruitment for corrections officers may also see an increase.

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The Numbers Back Up Safety and Violence Claims Against Correction Officers

In a previous piece, I wrote about the staggering number of attacks on corrections officers and other staff members just in 2022 alone. 2022 set a new record with nearly 1500 incidents of COs and staff members being assaulted. The previous record before 2022 was set in 2019 when nearly 1200 different assaults occurred.

The rest of that previous article as well as can be found below...

Now Read This: NYS Corrections Officers Call for Massive Changes After Violent Year

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Future Outlook of New NYS CO Retirement Proposal

With the information on this proposal being so new, not much else is currently known. To this point, only the basic premise of the proposal is public right now. That being said, it is only a matter of time before more information regarding this proposal comes forward. Hopefully, future information will shed more light on the chances of whether or not this proposal will be approved or not.

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