If you grew up in the Hudson Valley, chances are you knew exactly how long if would take to get from your house to the nearest Pizza Hut location.  The reason behind this?  To redeem your 'BOOK IT!' free pizza rewards of course.

The remaining Hudson Valley Pizza Hut locations are in Newburgh, Middletown, Monticello and Catskill, and it looks like all eyes will be on them beginning in June when Pizza Hut launches Camp BOOK IT! for local kids.

A complete throwback to reading as many books as we could back in elementary school to earn those free Pizza Hut pizzas, this time around, it's a parent-led summer reading program running from June until August that hopes to keep the little ones involved and engaged during the summer months.

According to a press release earlier this week,

The BOOK IT! Program was such an integral part of the heyday of Pizza Hut and the childhoods of those we're reaching with our Newstalgia campaign," said Lindsay Morgan, chief marketing officer, Pizza Hut. "It's amazing to now be able to make reading fun for the next generation with great pizza, great books and engaging activities to fill their summer break, especially as uncertainties remain in the coming months

Back in the day we tracked our reading progress through stickers, but the 2021 version will of course have a digital dashboard.  The free one-topping personal pie certificates will be emailed to the parent and can be redeemed online, in store, or over the phone.

You can register your kiddo (ages 4-12/preK through 6th grade) for Camp BOOK IT! now by visiting this site.  If you want to take it to the next level, you can even grab yourself a vintage BOOK IT! t-shirt (limited edition of course) to wear when you head into the local Pizza Hut with the kids to redeem their earnings.


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