Since being diagnosed with terminal cancer in October, Joey Feek has had good days and not-so-good days -- and her husband, Rory Feek, has been candid in sharing both with their fans. Sadly, in a new blog post, Rory Feek reveals that he is concerned that his wife's time on Earth may be coming to an end soon.

Much of Feek's new blog post is dedicated to the story behind Joey + Rory's 2012 single "When I'm Gone," which tells of a wife assuring her husband that he’ll be okay when she’s gone. Recently, fans have been lobbying to get the song to the top of the iTunes charts, given its similarities to the situation the husband-and-wife duo find themselves in now. In the post, Rory Feek writes that the irony is not lost on him and his "dying wife."

"I don't say those words lightly. As a matter-of-fact, I haven't said them at all," Feek explains of using that adjective. "But my beautiful bride has said them to me in these couple of days. Her pain and discomfort has continued to increase daily and so has the morphine to help her be comfortable. The dosage she’s needed to keep the pain away has quadrupled in the last four days. I’d like to tell you that she’s doing great and is going to beat this thing. But I can’t."

Rory Feek writes that, recently, Joey Feek "has been having serious talks with Jesus," telling him "that if He’s ready to take her … she’s ready to come home."

"Our ‘make-believe’ song and video seems to be coming true," Rory Feek says. "Some call it ‘life imitating art’. I don’t. I call it God."

Feek explains that, after his wife is gone -- whenever that time may come -- "When I'm Gone" will be her way of telling him goodbye and that she still loves him.

"Am I angry at the irony of the song? No," Feek continues. "How could I be? How many men who are losing the woman they love get a gift like that? None that I know of."

In February, Joey + Rory’s Hymns That Are Important to Us album will be released -- and it will include "When I'm Gone," per the Feeks' request.

"It’s not a classic hymn, but to us it is," Rory Feek explains. "It is a very special song, filled with hope and love. And in time, I believe it will have the power to help heal a million broken hearts … Even mine."

In late October, Rory Feek informed fans, via his blog, that his wife’s first round of chemotherapy and radiation treatments for Stage IV cervical cancer did not help; rather, two quarter-sized tumors had appeared in the same area that the doctors had been treating, and several more tumors had appeared in her abdomen. In light of that sad news, the Feeks stopped all medical treatments, returned to their Tennessee farm and canceled all of their Farmhouse Concerts that were scheduled for November and December. They have been spending time in Joey Feek’s hometown, visiting with family, friends and other loved ones, and in early November, Rory Feek revealed that his wife had entered home hospice care.

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