For those of you who refuse to rush the seasons you officially have just a little under two week left before we can call it Fall. You have about ten days to ignore the halloween candy on the shelves in the store. You can pretend you don't see pumpkins at every turn. And of course you can take the next few humid sunny days and relive summer's glory.

But on September 23rd which happens to be a Monday you are going to have to put the flip flops aways and declare summer over until 2020. You will need to locate the sweater you are refusing to wear even on the few cold night we have already had in the Hudson Valley. You are also going to have to come to terms with it being time to buy a pumpkin.

And while we are on the topic of time pasting checkout how close we are to the holiday season.

2019 is quickly pulling days off the calendar so I suggest for the next few weeks you try to "stop and smell the sunflowers" because before you know it we will be greeting trick or treaters then carving up the turkey to only run out the door the next day to kick off the Christmas shopping season.

There are plenty of things you can do over the next few weekends to enjoy the unofficial beginning of fall. This weekend there are two big annual events you can attend.This Saturday is the 7th Annual Hudson River Craft Beer Festival at the Beacon Waterfront. The New Paltz Chamber of Commerce is holding the Taste of New Paltz on Sunday September 15th.

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