Is This National Day for You
Do you find yourself rummaging through junk everytime you are looking for something?Are the drawers in your house full of stuff you stuffed in them and forgot about? Are you down to the last inch in your closet? I hate to be the one to say this but you maybe a Pack Rat.
This Thursday we celebrate National Pack Rat Day. According to National Day Calendar online each year on May 17th we should take stock in the mess around us and consider cleaning it up. A Pack Rat is consider a person who saves unnecessary items in large amounts. They fill every corner of their lives with bits and pieces of things on the off chance they may need it at some point.
National Day Calendar suggests we observe this day by clean up the clutter. It is thought that if we choose one small area to clear out we might eventually clean it all up. Give it a try and once you are done don't be shy. Snap a photo of your accomplishment and post it on social media with #nationalpackratday.