Should Hudson Valley Teachers Follow This ‘No Homework’ Policy?
Parents, would you support a teacher who tried bringing this "no homework" for students policy to your child's school?
Just about every school in the Hudson Valley is starting this week and as families begin the new routine of getting everyone off to school it's that time of year to ask the question that's been asked for many years.
Should Homework be a Thing of the Past in the Hudson Valley?
For many years parents have complained that teachers in the Hudson Valley send kids home with way too much homework! The debate has been going on for years and if you have a child that has a teacher that has a heavy homework hand, could this home policy be something you would support?
Back in 2016 a teacher in the Midwest made headlines after she sent her students home with an interesting note informing parents that she has heard their complaints and is going to try something new for the upcoming school year. The note said,
"After much research this summer. I am trying something new. Homework will only consist of work that your student did not finish during the school day. There will be no formally assigned homework this year."
Why Would No Homework Work?
The teacher went on to explain why she is trying this out saying,
"Research has been unable to prove that homework improves student's performance. Rather, I ask that you spend your evenings doing things that are proven to correlate with student success. Eat dinner as a family, read together, play outside, and get your child to bed early."
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Parents Show Teacher Support
7 years after the teacher's note went "viral" on Facebook it is still getting parent comments today with parents saying things like, "Every teacher should do this. Every. Single. One.", "I love this teacher!!! Never met her, but I love her!", and one of their more "liked" comments "Outstanding idea!"

If you have kids or are a teacher at a Hudson Valley school would you support a new policy like this? Are there any schools in the area that have a policy like this already in effect? Let us know though by texting us through our station app.
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