One of the perks of being a kid is being able to dress up and enjoy Halloween. But that's not the case for students at a local high school, who have staged a protest over the Halloween ban.

The Times Herald Record reports that Liberty High School is banning costumes for the second time in almost a half century. The Halloween dress-up day is a Liberty tradition where senior students come to class dressed in costume. Many former students have fond memories of dress-up day, including school board member Robert Torrens who was one of a few members who were unaware of the cancellation.

Students packed the Board of Ed meeting on Tuesday to protest the ban and explain why it should be reinstated. Liberty High School Principal, Jack Strassman, said the event was canceled because it "became disruptive to the school day." The Record goes on to say that the principal thought it would lead to kids dressing inappropriately and cutting class.

Board members urged compromise such as pre-approval of costumes and a required donation to the Thanksgiving food drive in exchange for the privilege of dressing up. The Principal suggested holding an after school party, that idea was quickly nixed by the students.

The principal did leave the door open by complementing the students on the professional way in which they addressed their concerns and said he would continue to think about the decision.

What do you think? Should the student be allowed to continue their age-old tradition of dress-up day?

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