Before you turn unwanted jewelry into a pet collar consider this, it could be cash for the holidays. If you are like most people you probably have some old or unwanted jewelry hanging around where ever you keep your bobbles. You may even have some older jewelry that once belonged to someone else that you just don't wear. You could turn that jewelry into cash or even a new piece of jewelry that you would actually wear.

The Hudson Valley has many jewelers that can help you with unwanted rings, bracelets and what have yous. Some can even making an unwanted piece into something you might want to wear. One of those jewelers is Hudson Valley Goldsmith in New Paltz. They are right on Main street and are very well known for what they have done with estate jewelry. Don't take my word for it just follow them on Facebook. I do and that's how I found out about a great event that are having September 30th thru October 4th.

They are inviting everyone to stop into the store to turn their unwanted jewelry into cash just in time to do holiday shopping. You do have to make an appointment but it is totally worth it to make the time. If you haven't been following gold and silver prices they have been going up in 2020.

You might be pleasantly surprised by just how much you might have stored in your old jewelry box.



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