Decorating our mantle every month is one of the things I look forward to the most. While there may not be a big holiday every month, there's always something to celebrate, commemorate or honor in our family.

Some mantles' themes are simply color, like St. Patrick's Day or ones that honor a milestone birthday or anniversary are filled with photos and memories, while others-like this month-are all about a holiday with characters and colors everyone knows.

I have to say before you watch this video that I ordered what I believed to be soft pink led lights to add a nice touch to the background. However, when I opened the package and plugged them in, soft isn't exactly the adjective I would use, they were bright, hot pink. I'll be honest, the color scared me a little so, needless to say, they didn't make the mantle.

What did make the mantle are my collection of bunnies each with its own memory of either where we bought them or who gave them to me. After all, that's what it's all about for me, memories and celebration. Happy Easter!


Past Mantles at Christy Cottage


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