Does The Side of The Bed You Sleep on Matter?
It's no secret, I moved into a new apartment over the weekend.
I'm just starting to get acclimated to the new layout and so far it's been pretty easy. However, on night one I realized a huge change that I'm still trying to get used to.
With the move, my bed is now facing a different direction. Which, in turn, forced me to put my nightstand on the opposite side of where I used to have it. I like sleeping by my nightstand because I can put my phone (alarm clock) and a bottle of water next to me when I sleep.
So now, I'm sleeping on the right side of the bed instead of the left and it's really throwing me off.
I've mentioned it to a few of my friends and they think I'm being dramatic.
Does what side of the bed you sleep on matter? Let me know on Facebook and if you have any Fengshui suggestions I'd gladly take them.