Well, here we are at another Friday the 13th, the day of superstitions.

Are you superstitious?

Most people have at least one or two things that they are superstitious about. For me, whenever I say or think about anything hopeful, I always have to knock on wood and I try to never cross a black cats path. I really have no reason for either of those, its just something I have always payed attention to.

According to List 25, the top 5 superstitions are:

5. Knock on Wood, it’s believed that the expression comes from an ancient belief that good spirits lived in trees, so by knocking on something wooden, a person was calling on the spirits for protection.

4. Breaking a mirror. If it happens to you they say you'll get 7 years of bad luck.

3. “God bless you”. Most of us will say this when some sneezes because its the polite thing to do. Some say the soul escapes the body during a sneeze and the heart momentarily stops. So for some saying “God bless you” is a way of welcoming the person back to life.

2. Four-leaf clover. This is supposed to be a very lucky superstition especially if your looking for love. They say that if you are single and you find one of these you should either eat it or put it in your shoe and once you do that the next person you come in contact with will be the person of your dreams.

1. Itchy palms. Some say that if the right palm itches, you will lose money. Now if your left palm itches that means that money is coming your way.

Do you believe in any of these? What are you superstitions do you have? Let us know in the comment section below.

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