I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend.

I was really busy all weekend so that may be why the little things got under my skin a little more than normal.

So I figured the best way to make the annoying go away was to bring it up on the show this morning.

So we ask, What are some of the most annoying things other people do that really get under your skin?

What set me off this weekend was a simple trip to the grocery store. If you have ever been to any grocery store over any weekend, you know that finding a parking spot can be difficult. The worst is when you think you found one and go to pull in to the spot and BOOM, someone left their grocery cart in the spot instead of returning it to the cart bin thing. Makes my blood BOIL!!! How hard is it to walk 15 feet to return the cart?

AHHH, now I feel better.

I know that the list is probably really long for you but I have to ask what are some of the most annoying things that other people do? You know that one thing that sets you off?

Leave us a comment below and be listening for us to read your comments on the air.

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