I truly feel that some people should have to take a test to become parents, like we do to drive a car. With that in mind I know that in 2014, getting an AMAZING photo is pretty much the most important thing in the world . . . but it should come secondary to "keeping your child ALIVE."

Fred Sirevag is a photographer in Norway. And he was hiking at a place called Pulpit Rock in southern Norway earlier this week . . . it's a major tourist attraction there because it has spectacular views of cliffs and the water below.

But some parents were letting their baby crawl RIGHT next to the edge of the cliff . . . just so they could get a cool photo of her.

The drop off the cliff is 2,000 feet straight down, there's no railing, and if you fall, you DIE. The tourist association that manages the cliff won't put a fence up because it would ruin the views and the experience.

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