Can you remember yours?

One of the signs of summer arriving is that most of the Hudson Valley drive-in movie theaters are open or at least set to open really soon and with the state of available entertainment with the coronavirus it couldn't come at a better time.

If you think back to when you were younger do you remember the first time the family all piled in to the family station wagon and headed out to the drive-in? What movie or movies did you see?

When I was growing up on Long Island the big drive-in theater that most families went to was located in Westbury, New York and if I remember correctly it had something like 4 or 5 screens that was showing different movies at different times, just like theaters nowadays.

Anyways, the first movie I can remember seeing from the back of my moms country squire, yes the green one with the fake wood paneling on the sides was the first Star Wars movie back in 1977. I remember it being packed with cars just like us and I remember my mom having an extremely difficult time pulling into our spot to watch the movie because she couldn't get that boat of a car close enough to the pole that had the speaker on it for us to be able to hear the movie.

If you're not old enough to remember, back in the day when you went to a drive-in, to hear the movie you had to roll down you window and take the speaker on a pole and put it on your window so you could listen. Today all you need to do is tune the radio to the theater radio station and your all set.

Once Star Wars was over my mom asked us kids if we wanted to see another movie and of course we said yeas and she drove us over to another screen and we watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind and YES she had another extremely hard time pulling up to that damn pole!! LOL!

What was the first drive-in movie you remember seeing? Call or text us through the Wolf app.

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