80 Years and It is Still the Top Seller
I absolutely love to go to the movies. Buttered popcorn, soda, twizzlers and a movie and I am enjoying every minute. Lately, I haven't been able to get to the actual theater. I am not sure why my movie going has slowed down. But I can say it isn't because I am binge watching at home. I think it may have to do with the simple fact I just haven't had the time.
This year so far I have missed: Bohemian Rhapsody, A Star is Born, Yesterday and yes the one movie it seems everyone saw this weekend, The Lion King. Another blockbusting record breaker I haven't seen is the latest Avengers movie, Avengers: Endgame. I would have enjoyed seeing any and all of these films in the theater but now it seems I will have to catch them on the small screen from pay for view.
One thing I am happy about though is I have seen the one movie that has sold the most tickets of all time. It also happens to be one of my favorites and dare I date myself but admit I own it on VHS. The number one ticket selling movie of all time (once you account for inflation) is "Gone With The Wind". And even though you might not "give a damn" about a relic film like "Gone with the Wind" I am just super excited that not only have I seen but I saw it on the big screen.
I will eventually catch up with the latest Avengers film but I believe I have to binge watch about 9 movies first in order to get catch up to where the last Avengers film left off in order to have "End Game" make sense. Right? And being that I just got around to watching August: Osage County from 2913 it might take a while for me to catch up.