The New York State Police Kick off Speed Week
If you have what some may call a "lead foot" you may want to let up a little bit.
The New York State Police announced on Tuesday, June 9th, that Speed Week is back in New York starting on Wednesday, June 11th. In a press release, the New York State Police stated they will be targeting "speeding and aggressive drivers."
Keith M. Corlett, the New York State Superintendent said in the press release that "Troopers will be highly visible this week and throughout the summer to ensure all motorists are obeying posted speed limits and driving safely.”
Corlett also adds that speeding is "a significant safety hazard on our highways, which often results in tragic consequences" and urges that motorist should obey posted speed limits and to remove any kind of driving distraction while behind the wheel.
A report by the Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research at the University at Albany explains that back in 2018 "267 people were killed and 17,806 were injured in New York State in speed-related crashes."
You may have seen a post floating around social media about Speed Week from back in 2019. Last year the New York State Police ticketed 24,770 motorists. This includes 13,016 tickets for speeding, 571 tickets for distracted driving, and over 400 tickets for violations when it comes to Move Over law.
With many of us just getting back on the road after a long 3 months in quarantine, we may be a little rusty. Remember to respect the rules of the road.
Stay alert and stay safe!
Speed Week will run from Thursday, June 11th to Wednesday, June 17th.
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