Stephen King Series Wraps Up Filming in The Hudson Valley
Hollywood on the Hudson strikes again.
It looks like another series will be featuring the Hudson Valley as one of their locations. Earlier this week pictures made their rounds on Facebook of either a television show or movie filming at Bear Mountain Inn.
At the time there were no details about the project, but it looks like a pretty big name is attached to it.
According to the Bear Mountain Inn's Facebook page, on Thursday, February 13th filming wrapped up at the Hudson Valley landmark. They are reporting that it is actually a series from author, and horror storytelling all-star, Stephen King.
While we're not sure what series it is they are filming, King's latest project is a series on HBO called The Outsider, which mentions the Hudson Valley a few times in the book.
Could it be season 2? We hope so.
Have you seen or read The Outsider? Did you catch the Hudson Valley mentions? Let us know what you think on Facebook.