It will take place in Saugerties on March 22, 2017.

As we have learned from this winter, we have had some really crazy weather from heavy rain and snow to thunder snow and with severe weather becoming more frequent the right training could save a life.

According to the Daily Freeman, Town Supervisor Greg Helsmoortel and Councilman Fred Costello are now sponsoring a free Citizen Preparedness Corps presentation.

The presentation will show the public how to prepare for any type of disaster, how to respond accordingly and recover quickly, by developing a family emergency plan and stocking up on emergency supplies.

The course will take place at the Frank D. Greco Memorial Multi-Purpose Building, 207 Market Street in Saugerties on Wednesday March 22nd at 6 p.m.

If you are interested in leaning more and would like to register for this great event you can call Saugerties police at (845)246-9800.

Walk-ins will be welcome the day of the course as well.

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