Did Neversink New York, get Its Name Because it Actually Sank?
The Hudson Valley is full of great history but I think we might have found something that most don't know.
A Sullivan County town was once flooded on purpose, but why?
According to numerous sources, the town of Neversink was in fact at one time sunk and moved. Why would a town flood itself on purpose? That's a question I think most of us would ask! As far as an answer goes, from what we can tell you have to go back to the 1940s to find it. According to Wikipedia, the original location of Neversink (Neversink Flats and the town of Bittersweet) were the perfect location for a reservoir.
The proposed reservoir was going to provide water for folks in New York City and in 1941 it was agreed that the two towns would be flooded. After the reservoir was finished the town of Neversink was moved a few miles away.
In some cases, houses from the original town were lifted up and moved to the new town. Amanda from Woodbourn texted us, "My dad’s house was actually from the town before Neversink was “sunk”. They uplifted it and planted it about 5 miles from the reservoir!"
Angel called the Wakin' Up with CJ and Jess Show and told us that when she was younger she remembers visiting Neversink and anytime the reservoir got really low, "you could see a steeple popping out of the ground from the original town church"! WOW! Not that I want the reservoir to ever get too low, but that sounds like it would be something really cool to actually see.
Convenience Store Don't Sell Beer in Neversink?
The town of Neversink was one of New York's last remaining alcohol-free towns. According to Wikipedia the town was "dry" from the 1930s all the way until 2015. In 2015 area residents voted to change the law and allow restaurants to sell adult beverages. We heard that the sale of alcohol was still prohibited at convenience stores after 2015 but scoring to numerous calls and text messages, convenience stores in Neversink DO give customers the option to buy beer in their stores.
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