In 2014, Orange County was ranked number 1 in New York state for heroin deaths. Unfortunately, we're seeing more stories about the effects of heroin here in the Hudson Valley. Police in Montgomery are now going out of their way to help those struggling with addiction.

Handcuffs And Fingerprints

According to the Times Herald Record, Montgomery Police Chief Arnold Amthor stated that from now on any resident that is dealing with addiction can come to the police station to seek help, without getting in trouble. Originally this policy was only to last 72 hours under the Code Red notification system, but the community was very supportive of the idea so Chief Amthor extended the policy.

Chief Amthor is so dedicated to helping those struggling with substance abuse, that he has given out his personal cell phone number for those seeking help. This new policy allows those looking for help to come to the Montgomery Police station between 7am and 11pm as well as call Chief Amthor cell phone at all hours at 845-427-1216. Chief Amthor and staff are hoping they can provide support by finding individuals treatment centers or rides to the hospital if that's what they need.

This policy was made for individuals looking for help and not a get out of jail free card for those found with drugs on them.

The Montgomery Police Station is located at 110 Bracken Rd.




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