Meta Marcy Reads into Starbucks Crystal Ball Frappuccino
Starbucks was up to no good this weekend.
In the past year or so Starbucks has been creating unique and picture perfect frappuccino's. Last years Unicorn Frappuccino took the world and social media by storm. The sweet concoction, while popular with the younger crowd, was a pain to make and filled with sugary substances.
Their latest endeavor in the frapp game, was the Crystal Ball Frappuccino. According to Starbucks website the Crystal ball is a "swirling peach infusion topped with peach flavored whipped cream, turquoise sprinkles and one of three different candy gems."
No caffeine in sight.
I figured I would try it out with an expert by my side.
Meta Marcy joined me at the Fishkill Starbucks to read into the new Crystal Ball Frappucino to see what the future held for us.
The whipped cream waves really spoke to me.
Unfortunately, the Crystal Ball Frappuccino was only available for the weekend. However, knowing Starbucks, there will most likely be another crazy frappuccino next month.