Sullivan County Couple Face Animal Cruelty Charges for Inbred Dogs
There were 23 inbred dogs and puppies living in a Winterton Road home in the Sullivan County Town of Bloomingburg.
According to the Times Herald Record, Jennifer Lynn Gordon, 32, and Joshua Dolittle, 39, were each charged on Saturday with three counts of animal cruelty, a misdemeanor.
An investigation started back at the beginning of February when the couple tried to surrender four dogs to a rescuer which lead to animal control and building inspectors going to the property with sheriff's deputies and child protective services.
Sullivan County Undersheriff Eric Chaboty told the Record that after investigating they found three generations of inbred dogs, including two litters of puppies that had signs of malnutrition and a few need immidiate medical attention.
Animal Control Officer Joanne Gerow told the Redcord that unfortunately, four of the puppies had to be euthanized due to the severity of their limb deformities and the likelihood of future severe medical issues.
She also said,
"The vet is confident the deformities are due to the inbreeding."
The couple, after being arrested, were given appearance tickets for March 23 in Mamakating Town Court.