Jess’ Juice Cleanse
It's six days into the New Year and, as the story goes, most people are turning their backs on the New Year resolutions they made. No judgment here, I forgot about mine pretty quickly.
The most popular resolution is usually to get in better shape. Whether that be hitting the gym or eating better everyone is usually on board with the "new year, new me" motto. In an attempt to eat better my friends and I decided to try out a juice cleanse. I've read up on these before, but they are always so expensive. However, my friend Amy found a great discount with Jus By Julie. $30 for six bottles of juice to last you a day. Not a bad deal.
Jus By Julie is located down in Brooklyn and is "designed to rid your body of impurities while keeping you fueled with essential vitamins." So this morning I began my juice cleanse journey and I'm taking you along with me for the day. Keep an eye out, I'll have a video up later tonight filled with reactions and reviews. So far, so good. Bottle number one was a concoction of spinach, kale, pineapple and rice milk.
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