Is This Girl a B—-?
It's time for some weekly "advice."
Every Wednesday on the Wakin' Up with CJ and Jess Show we turn the Wolf studio into your local therapists office. We dim the lights, light a candle and attempt to talk out some problems from people just like you.
Each week we receive emails from all kinds of people here in the Hudson Valley that are looking for some advice on handle a problem or issue is their life. Some weeks we get super serious issues and other weeks we get BFF drama, like this week.
Alana wrote us,
"My girlfriend and I were heading back from a birthday party for our friend on Sunday morning after a hard Saturday night of partying and drinking. She didn't drink a lot. I drank an obscene amount and woke up hammered. I told her I wouldn’t drink that much, and I felt bad about it but she didn’t seem to be mad. I had driven us up there in my truck and asked if she could drive us home and she said yes. We had about an hour drive ahead of us.
Anyway, she is a speeder and ended up getting a ticket. I don't speed and told her, "that sucks, shouldn't have been speeding." She thinks I should pay half of the ticket and I disagree. She thinks if I didn’t get so drunk she wouldn’t have been driving, and there wouldn’t be a ticket.
Isn't she being a b&*!h? Should I give her half to shut her up? Or just make her pay? It was her mistake, not mine."
I think that if this was one of my friends, I would after letting them sweat a little, would offer to pay for half the ticket, just so I wouldn't have to hear about every time we got a car together. So my advice is pay half to shut her up! LOL.
What do you think? Would you pay half or no? Call, text or leave us a comment on Facebook and if you ever have an issue you would like us to talk about on the show, you can email me at CJ@HUDSONVALLEYCOUNTRY.COM