I'm no snake expert, but I think it's garter snake season here in the Hudson Valley.

Back when I was living with my parents I would help out with yard work in their backyard. There was always one hole I was a little concerned about that was closer to their deck. It came out of no-where one summer and just seemed like creatures probably burrowed themselves down there.

One spring in late March early April I headed out to the backyard and stumbled upon a ball of snakes just slithering around one another.

I let out a little scream and promptly headed back into the house, locked the doors and stayed inside for a day and a half.

I'm not the biggest fan of snakes, what can I say?

Turns out one Hudson Valley resident is braver than me and also had a similar experience. Facebook user Eribel Hernandez Tornez posted a video to the Hudson Valley in Pictures Facebook group that gave me flashbacks:

I was under the impression that these snakes are mating? Someone told me there is one female snake and the rest are male snakes keeping her and the babies warm?

Did I get snake hissstory wrong? Get it, like the hissing sound a snake makes?

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