A nursing home in the Hudson Valley celebrated "National I Want You to be Happy Day."

"National I Want You to be Happy Day," was celebrated on Sunday. According to the National Day Calander, it's a day where you are encouraged to do something to make others happy.

"Putting a smile on someone’s face tends to put one on ours, too, " the website states.

On Sunday, the New Paltz Center on Jansen Road in New Paltz celebrated "National I Want You to be Happy Day." The nursing home's recreation director brought in many different cakes and cookies for residents and the residents all sang songs together.

"You've never seen bigger smiles than these," Jeff Jacomowitz said in an email to Hudson Valley Post while highlighting "National I Want You to be Happy Day," at the New Paltz Center.

Judging by the photo (seen above) Jacomowitz provided Hudson Valley Post, he's right!

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