Gift Cards Up For Grabs in a Hudson Valley Coloring Contest
One of my favorite things to do when I was a kid was color. I love getting a new box of crayons and the year Santa brought me the giant box with its own crayon sharpener in the box you would have thought I scored the kiddie jackpot.
Coloring is so fun and somewhat popular there are even adult coloring events that you can attend that often involve delicious food and wine. They aren't as popular as they use to be but something tells me they will start trending again. Until then we just have to keep up our skills by coloring often.
So I am bringing up coloring because I just saw that Adams Fairacre Farms is having a coloring contest. But before you break out your crayons, I should tell you it is a contest for kids ages 1 to 10. So adults we are going to have to sit this one out.
Coloring Contest Details
The Adams Christmas Coloring Contest is easy to enter it is all online. They split it into 3 ages groups and will be awarding $25 Adams gift cards to the winner in each group. Now you may be asking which store? It will be at all the Adams stores and each store will have its own set of winners for each age group. Adams has stores in Poughkeepsie, Kingston, Newburgh, and Wappingers.
Adams will Open a Fifth Store Soon In Middletown
The coloring pages are due by December 20th so that the top 3 submissions from each group can be selected then posted on the Adams website from December 23rd to the 26th for you to vote for your favorite. The three winners from each store will be announced on December 27th just in time for Mom and Dad to do some New Year shopping at Adams.
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