Have You Received a Mask in the Mail You Didn’t Order?
Another day in 2021, another COVID-19 scam.
Unfortunately, there are people out there that are using a global pandemic to scam innocent bystanders. As of late, we've seen several different scams around the Hudson Valley that are COVID-19 related whether it be with COVID-19 testing information or stimulus checks.
You can add a new scam to the list: the mask scam.
How in the world are scammers pulling this off? ABC7 NY is reporting that people are receiving masks in the mail that they didn't order.
This is called a "brushing scam" according to the Better Business Bureau. They explain that manufacturers will send inexpensive products to addresses that they find online. The Better Business Bureau states " Once the items are received, they post fake, positive reviews to improve their rating, which could equate to more sales."
These products are usually sent by "third party over-sea sellers."
This may sound familiar, as several warnings go out every year about "brushing scams." You may remember the buzz during July of 2020 when people around the Hudson Valley and the U.S. were receiving random seeds in the mail.
The Federal Trade Commission recommends changing your Amazon password if you do end up receiving a mask in the mail that you haven't ordered.
They also suggest throwing away masks that you may receive since you don't know where the mask has been.
However, if you do receive something in the mail that you didn't order but is addressed to you, with your name and a proper address, you do not need to pay for it and you may keep the item.
No, This is Not a Coronavirus Statue
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