First off, Happy Veterans day. Thank you to all the men and woman who served and are still serving to make our lives safer every day. With that being said, I thought I'd share something some of you may familiar with.

I first started to see this the week of the CMA Awards, it was actually on Cam's instagram account. She shared a picture of her front porch light, lit up green. Initially I thought it was something for the upcoming holiday season. However, after I clicked through I realized it was for a way better cause.

The green light is for the "Greenlight A Vet" movement.  Greenlight A Vet, according to their website, "is a campaign to establish visible national support for our veterans by changing one light to green."  The website has an interactive map that shows you where else in the United State people are lighting up green. They encourage you to share you support, posting on social media your green lights.

My lights have been changed for a few weeks now:


Have you turned green for our Veterans? Show us below or on Facebook!

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