Uranus Will Shine Big and Bright Over The Hudson Valley in November
If you're into stargazing across the Hudson Valley, November is going to be a great month for you.
Yahoo Life broke down all the big events to look forward to in the skies in November. Events include the Taurids Meteor Shower that is expected to take place on November 4th and 5th. According to Yahoo, the Taurids Meteor Shower happens yearly and to catch a glimpse they suggest looking "toward the constellation Taurus just after midnight—that’s where many of the meteors will seem to originate."
Taurids Meteor Show is a minor shower that will only produce "five to 10 meteors per hour at its peak on Nov. 4"
The most interesting (and giggle-worthy for those of us with immature personalities) event for November is the size of Uranus. No, not yours the one in the sky! You knew there was going to be a joke in here somewhere, right?
I digress.
Yahoo reports that on November 9th, 2022, Uranus will be the closest to Earth than it has been all year and will be shining brightly. They explain further writing:
Uranus is so big and bright this time of year, people with good vision might be able to see it without binoculars or a telescope, even with the nearly full moon shining. For best viewing, look eastward at around 2 a.m. on the ninth. The blue-green dot of Uranus should appear right near the star Pleiades in the Taurus constellation.
Later in the month, on November 17th and 18th, the Leonid meteor shower will fly across the sky followed by a New Moon on November 23rd. With the New Moon, Yahoo explains "The darkened sky makes the 23rd the perfect night to view more distant celestial objects like galaxies and star clusters."
Do you have a favorite place to stargaze in the Hudson Valley?
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