Here at The Wolf we're giving you a ton of chances to win lots of Money in May. And it's got me thinking. What in the world would I do with $1000? Or better yet $10,000?


Okay getting $1000 would help me enormously. I still consider myself a struggling college grad, so it's a no-brainer that that money would go to my school bills. Obviously, that is my responsible choice. But if I didn't have to worry about those pesky school loans, I'd most definitely go on a trip. Nash-Vegas any one? I hear Nashville is a blast and always fun year round. Plus, I love country music so I'd love to do the touristy things like tour the Grand Ole Opry.

$10,000 is a lot of money. So much so that I probably wouldn't know what to do with it. Of course I'd invest some, but I would have to do something with the rest. I'm a big New York sports fan as is my family, so I think I'd go the season ticket route. Especially for baseball and football season(let me be clear I'm talking about the Yankees and Giants. No way would I spend my money on the Jets or Mets. Gross.), they have the best tailgates.

I really don't know how I would spend that much cash. What would you do with that amount of cash? Start brainstorming because it could become a reality!  Play The Wolf Cash Bash all throughout the month of May. Be listening for the cues to call all day long and good luck!

(HINT: CJ will give you the times to call during his show!)

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