Wolf Cash Bash

Wolf Cash Bash is in Full Swing!
Wolf Cash Bash is in Full Swing!
Wolf Cash Bash is in Full Swing!
We've been giving away cash two times a day throughout the month of May on-air! We've compiled a list of our winners so far, but we're not done yet! There are still plenty of opportunities to win a grand on-air and $10,000 online for our VIP club members. Check out the full list of winners.
Get Me Some Of That: Money Edition
Get Me Some Of That: Money Edition
Get Me Some Of That: Money Edition
Here at The Wolf we're giving you a ton of chances to win lots of Money in May. And it's got me thinking. What in the world would I do with $1000? Or better yet $10,000? Okay getting $1000 would help me enormously. I still consider myself a struggling college grad, so it's a no-brainer that that money would go to my school bills...
What could you do with $1,000 or even $10,000?
What could you do with $1,000 or even $10,000?
What could you do with $1,000 or even $10,000?
The Wolf Cash Bash in May gives you TWO ways to win cash! Listen every weekday morning in May at 6:30, CJ will give you 2 times to be listening later that day for the Contest Q2CALL, be caller 25 at 1-877-854-WINS (9467) and win a thousand bucks...