Frolic Friday: Bird Box Challenge
Happy Friday! It's the first Friday of 2019 and we're celebrating the only way we know how.
And that's with a frolic, obviously.
This year we're going to try really hard to have a fun theme for our Frolic Friday. So starting on a fresh, clean frolic slate. Jess decided to cover one of the hottest trends of 2019.
The Bird Box Challenge.
Well at least she tried.
Bird Box has been one of the biggest successes as a Netflix original movie. The film follows Sandra Bullock as she navigates through a world that is effected by a strange occurrence. Without any spoilers: If you look outside at the wrong time you could go crazy.
So Jess blindfolded up and took to the frolic yard.
Unfortunately, there are no superstars like Sandra Bullock or John Malkovich. However, Jess survived and didn't hurt herself. Thankfully.
Netflix actually issued a statement on Twitter warning Bird Box Challengers to be careful:
If you have a suggestion for Frolic Friday send us a message!