If you like cycling and enjoy good food, this two day cycling competition is for you. This Saturday and Sunday, hundreds of bicyclists from around the country will be at Cedar Lakes Estate in Greenville for 'Farm to Fork Fondo', which will also include non-competitive bicycle rides for all ages and abilities.

Get ready for a weekend filled with gourmet culinary delights made from locally-sourced ingredients, Fine Cooking Magazine recipes, and Colavita Italian specialty imports. Everyone is invited to attend, plus there will be live music and bike clinics.

The Office of Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus, announced that Wrenegade Sports is organizing the 'Farm to Fork Fondo' and created the New Holland Volunteer Competition, in which color-coded teams of volunteers assisting the bike event represent different local farms and farm-related charitable organizations, competing for participants’ votes and cash donations to those groups.

Some of the teams included are

Volunteer Team Green: Orange County Land Trust. The not-for-profit organization has preserved a number of farms in the county. Members of the team will compete for funds to help the organization purchase development rights for more area farms to preserve the county's open space.

Volunteer Team Orange: Orange County Bicycle Club. This group of recreational cyclists' regular Saturday ride passes a pasture at the not-for-profit Sanctuary for Animals, where herds of camels graze; they have been rescued after movie, advertising and circus careers. The team will compete for funds to support the Sanctuary.

Volunteer Team Blue: The North Face Outlet Store at Woodbury Common. Its team competes on behalf of Pierson’s Farms and Greenhouses, an eighth-generation county family beef cattle farm that has diversified by opening a farm stand stocking local honey, jam and treats from other area farms. The North Face team's funds will be used by Pierson's to expand their farm stand.

Volunteer Team Yellow: Team Palindromes. These Orange County motorcycle enthusiasts are volunteering to benefit the GoFundMe campaign for Rogowski Farm in Pine Island. In 2011, storms wiped out all of Rogowski Farm’s crops and much of its infrastructure. The Rogowski family has yet to recover from the disaster and is at risk of losing their farm to creditors.

If you're interested in riding or donating, click here.

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